The story of a quality manager who wanted to do his job well, but came to fear for his life.
The story is based in part on real events, and no, he did not really feart for his life.
A day out there in the Danish Electronics industry, this i s what happened:
"We really need to master these Moisture Sensitive components, there will be the MSD to get popcorn and reports of strange sounds from the line, it is not acceptable anymore, FINALLY!
and we will, of course, also like to be certified in the use of the IPC 001, and requires you know that we are running after MSD IPC 033-standard
and then there are those things that pop up, where customers or suppliers are asking sharp questions to whether we now have a handle on where we need to respond to MSD slightly hesitant, and that's not funny!
Well, to start well with reading it that IPC 033 standard,
and converts it to an instruction which folks on the line can run after.
read-read-read: uha, it will not be completely easy it here!
Well, but the three are here because to understand:
Level 1 is unlimited if we keep ourselves under 30 ° c and 85% RH, so those we choose, not to control
Level 2 has a year of Floorlife, so we can choose not to govern them, in the light of the knowledge of our flow
Level 6 must always bake before use and have individual baking time and Floorlifetid, so those we manage for themselves
As for the remaining MSD levels apply it here, for the creation of a newly unpacked MSD Batch:
Instruction in Basic MSD creation, version 1, come here:
- look at the package, which Level it is
- beat up on table 5-1 and find Floorlife time
- check the temperature and the humidity is below the limit
- find a calendar and Floorlife time to convert the date/time
- give the roll is a unique ID number (in some smart way)
- Enter the unique ID number on a label and paste it on the package
- Enter the item number on label
- Enter the item number on a list
- Enter the unique ID number in the list
- Enter the start date/time and date/time expiration list Floorlife
- type supplier on the list (because we get the same item number from several vendors with different levels)
- Enter the level in the list
- type the location in the list
- find a smart way to keep track of when all Floorlife all time expires
- find a smart way to keep track of where the individual rolls are
But hey wait …
There is, of course, also the one other table, 7-1, it takes into account the current temperature and humidity, so you get much longer, if the temperature is below 30 Floorlife (it is the most of the time) and the humidity is less than 60, (it is also the most of the time),
so we'd rather use table 7-1, so we get the most possible floorlifetid and hence flexibility, we can like!.
Well, but then have to table 7-1 be the case, then there's just that now we also know the thickness of the component, we saw people in the process of shooting the lesson every time they open a package? …
No, it comes there is probably not anything good out!, so we need someone to make a list with item numbers and thicknesses, MSD (plus a few other details about the component types), which we can turn up in,
and when they are going with the list, there will be also shown something with thickness compared to baking, so the list would have to be made in any case.
OK, it will be shown a bit long-winded, but we need the most Floorlife time, so we would like to do a little extra for it!
so we extend the process to version 2, now with optimal Floorlifetid
- look at the package, which Level it is
- read off the temperature
- read the humidity
- look up in the list to view Floorlife thickness
- Read off the time in table 7-1
- find a calendar and Floorlife time to convert the date/time
- give the roll is a unique ID number (in some smart way)
- Enter the unique ID number on a label and paste it on the package
- Enter the item number on label
- Enter the item number on a list
- Enter the unique ID number in the list
- Enter the start date/time and date/time expiration list Floorlife
- type supplier on the list (because we get the same item number from multiple vendors with differing levels
- Enter the level in the list
- type the location in the list
- find a smart way to keep track of when all Floorlife all time expires
- find a smart way to keep track of where each scroll is located
and SO we are well aware, or are we?, because there is of course also the there Short Duration kerfuffle, it sounds really smart, you can get to reset components in dry closet, so we are not going to bake them so often, because floorlife when to expire,
and IT will we really like, for when you have to bake them, they must either be in the oven at a low temperature for a long time, mega
or the short time in the oven at high temperature, and then they are completely miserable to solder on, so it will come out of poor quality, so it will we really would like to avoid,
but it looks so out to maybe we can completely get rid of baking by using Short Duration, it sounds great, but then we have to just adjust the list again, Phew, it is godtnok long the list, but then it comes also to run really well!
so we extend the process again to version 3, now with optimal Floorlifetid and Short Duration
- look at the package, which Level it is
- read off the temperature
- read the humidity
- look up in the list to view Floorlife thickness
- Read Floorlife time in table 7-1
- Read the Short Duration hours in table 4-3
- find a calendar and Floorlife time to convert the date/time
- convert Short Duration timer for date/time
- give the roll is a unique ID number (in some smart way)
- Enter the unique ID number on a label and paste it on the package
- Enter the item number on label
- Enter the item number on a list
- Enter the unique ID number in the list
- Enter the start date/time and date/time expiration list Floorlife
- type supplier on the list (because we get the same item number from multiple vendors with differing levels
- Enter the level in the list
- Write Short Duration expired from the list
- type the location in the list
- find a smart way to keep track of all Floorlife and Short Duration times
- find a smart way to keep track of where the individual rolls are
So now we are ready to get started, we should probably just find out what to do when the rolls to be moved to a different machine or be placed in a dry cupboard, or a rare time in the oven,
and how hard can it be, surely it cannot be worse yet?
OK, it seems that this also becomes somewhat long hair, for there is a difference between what we have with the different levels, well but we try:
The movement of the scroll on the line to dry closet, we start with version 1 or 2
- Level 2, 2a and 3: Floorlife time stops
- Calculate the remaining Floorlifetid and type it in the list, type the current date/time from the list.
- Level 4, 5 and 5a: Floorlife time continues
- so here we only need to continue to keep an eye out when Floorlifetiden expires
- Enter the new location in the list
BUT, we will now therefore really like to have Short Duration benefits with,
so we extend the list, so that it matches the version 3, now with Short Duration
- Level 2, 2a and 3:
- read the list and determine whether Short Duration time has expired (12 hours)
- If no, calculate time for reset:
- current time minus the start time
- convert the result to minutes and again with 5
- convert the result to hours/minutes
- put time to current time
- Enter the calculated time for reset on the list
- The roller must be placed in a dry cupboard: max 5% RH, max 10% RH or in MBB wrapping
- If Yes
- Floorlife time stops
- Calculate the remaining Floorlifetid and type it in the list, type the current date/time from the list.
- Level 4, 5 and 5a:
- read the list and determine whether Short Duration time has expired (8 hours)
- If no, calculate time for reset:
- current time minus the start time
- convert the result to minutes and again with 10
- convert the result to hours/minutes
- put time to current time
- Enter the calculated time for reset on the list
- The roller must only be located in dry closet max 5% RH
- If Yes
- Floorlife time continues,
- so here we only need to continue to keep an eye out when Floorlifetiden expires
- Enter the new location in the list
If in spite of all efforts we need to bake a component, we must also make a script for it
There can, of course, also get someone from the store where there is a hole in the Pack, and so should you bake before use, if humidity map shows the
The movement of the scroll to the oven, when Floorlife has expired.
- read the level on the list or on the label
- look up in the list to view bake thickness
- Select oven (40/90/125 ° c)
- read the list and determine whether it is above or below the 72 hours ago Floorlife expired
- read the baking time in table 4-1
- find a calendar and convert baking time time for date/time
- type baking time start and end of the list
- find a smart way to keep track of when baking time is over
- Enter the new location in the list
- type the number of bagninger in the list
- type the number of bagninger on the label
so here goes, of course, not at all, we dare not even think about how many hours it here is going to take, we have at least 3500 per year by the here, it will be quite wildly expensive just in working hours on the line.
We have to try something different, they can not do anything in the Produktonsteknisk Department, they are so good with fancy spreadsheets and other clever methods.
PTA put on the task, which they immediately throw themselves over, and a few weeks later they come back with a wild look in his eyes, and shall communicate to it we would like to see in version 1, they can maybe reasonably clear,
but with version 2, and even worse with version 3, will take months, and so they do not know about it at all is going to work,
and so has the way nor more time to the project, so we have to find someone else for the job, and then they rush forward with a relieved expression in his eyes.
Well, but quite surprising was not that worksheets are not the solution, it is, of course, very many things to keep track of, so there are apparently limits to spreadsheets, yes who would have thought it?
But what do we do now?
We can ask our friend Google, surely there must be someone who has worked with this problem before us!
We try a search on "MSD components", and there is immediately bite!, the first hit is pointing to:
"Full control of MSD,"
"Track MSD components effectively, get better quality and flexibility"
It sounds quite right, so we take immediately contact to find out what it is,
I have actually also not really any choice, because if I propose the above method in production, I at least will be slain!
"And the rest is history", so here we leave the long-suffering quality Manager, which really exist in reality,
"the name is the editors you know"!
If you, or someone you know, also need lifesaving MSD first aid, then you know now that you can find it!
And what are the help as of may, you ask?
After all, in short: all the headache-inducing and time consuming activities like the poor quality manager has listed up are simply tucked away behind an easy user interface, so everything you are doing, now takes less than 10 seconds, by a few shots with a bar code reader or click with mouse/keyboard.
and a color on the screen, or on which the associated lystårn, notifies in good time before anything will expire, so you can have time to react.
So, therefore, no table lookups, no time calculations, no list-writing, no monitoring of time expired, and no opportunities for error, the program knows exactly what we need for/do not have to, and when, so you can actually delete didn't get to make mistakes!.
And the equation looks pretty good, it takes such as easy 5 minutes to create a new drop-down or move a roller to dry cupboard, as described above, then drag the 10 seconds from and started it with the 3500 from the preview, plus a similar number of movements, perhaps it will be to a very large number of saved hours!
WelcroSoft can actually offer a pretty accurate calculation of savings, called ROI, based on actual data from a few numbers, you can order your own calculation today
So now we have saved a hell lot of money, and then we're not even reached to it that means most of our quality Manager, so on top of the hat comes the value of it here:
- No error on the part of customers due to MSD errors
- No production error with MSD cause
- Production 100% after the IPC standard
- An absolute minimum of baking
- Full overview of all MSD components
- Full history, one can see everything with a single click each scroll has been through
So all in all, the mission succeeded quite well, and we are so ready to make many other really happy and satisfied with what we dare to call:
A world-class MSD management system!
Preben Hab/WelcroSoft